Friday, June 08, 2007

Two awsome things in the same week!

Because of the title, you can tell what Im wrighting about, two cool theings that happend one or two weeks ago... The two things are I got a new dog and I went to a giant beach house at the outer bankes in north carilina!!! My dogs name is dewberry aka dewby. Since all the people that read my blog know about Spidergirls Blizzog and know my Mom, you already know about my new dog. And my Mom was worried about having since it was a... I forgot what it was called dog... I was worried aswell, but for a diffrent, I was worried because the lady said its a realy calm dog. I was worried he would be so calm that if you threw a ball, he wouldnt cach or if you ran he would just sit there. Im kinda wrighting as fast as i can because... Ill tell you about the beach house in my next post. Okay?


Noam said...

Ok, tell me about the beach house.

Anonymous said...

You have misused the word "their." You wrote "there stories are horrid... " it is supposed to be possessive = their! "Their stories are horrid!"
There is used for "over there", "there are 3 things you need to learn in writing, spelling, grammar, and punctuation," or for instance "there she goes again, trying to look smart!"
Also, it's writing, not wrighting!!! Listen, YOU can't write right!!! If you have good book ideas, try speaking the book on a recording and then have someone else write the book. You'll be A LOT better off. Or do like I do, stick to advice, hahahhaaha!

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