Guess what, I'm making a story about an Assassin named Jak. The story is called Jak the Assassin. It's about a king, he called an assassin, I will tell u about it later. I Think u should buy the game
Assassins Creed because The graphics and they researched the buildings that we're in old Jerusalem because it's in the third crusade, in the game u are a assassin, u have to kill 9 people that really died on the third crusade.
It is so cool. So if you want to read my story check on my blog in a week or so. And also the game Assassins Creed is on the PS3.
Cool blog! I can't wait to read your story, I'll be back!
Heyyyyyyyyy!! i love the groovy look of your new blog! and i am super stoked to read such a cool sounding story! rockin!
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