There once was a king, he was in battle with the evil king,
he was losing the war because all his knights were dead, you can see he needed help. He called the best assassin ever, his name is Jak. He lived in Jerusalem. Jak had a big secret, so Jak came to the king and he was wearing all white with his face covered but his eyes were not covered. Jak said, "How may I assist you?"
The king said, "We are losing the war against the evil kingdom. I will give you 100,000 gold to assassinate the evil king."
Jak pretended to kill all of the evil knights. He went to the evil king's castle and did not assassinate the evil king. The king said, "Hello my student, I will give you 100,000 gold to kill the good king."
Jak said, "I will take your offer."
Jak went to the good king and killed him with a sneak attack.